
Airport safety and security

Airport safety and security

New European regulations (regulation EC 300-2008, regulation EU 185-2010 and decision C 2010-774) came into effect on April 29, 2010.
These regulations are related to the implementation of security measures within the European Union.

Safety examination: regulatory provision

The system requires a change in practices for safety palpation of passengers and airport personnel accessing the restricted areas."A palpation consists of an inspection of the body and clothes both in the front and back, systematically passing the hands over the parts of the body covered with clothing".

A palpation includes the physical examination of:

  • Hairstyles
  • Chest and clothes (back, collar, lapel, shoulders, pockets, arms, tie or scarf, jacket, shirt, sweater)
  • Lower limbs (pants / skirt, outer or inner belt, pockets, cuff, hems)
  • A physical or visual examination of hair and shoes

These mandatory measures are implemented in all European airports to ensure passenger safety.

Immigration control

After disembarkation, you will be subject to immigration control, unless you are a French citizen (or citizen from another country of the Schengen Area).


Before entering the public area, you will be checked by customs officers to whom you must declare all goods subject to quantitative restrictions (alcohol, tobacco, perfumes).

If you arrive from another Member State of the European Union where you have purchased goods non-commercial purposes (intended for your own use), you benefit from tax exemption (you do not need to pay duties and taxes).

Some goods are subject, upon entry or exit from a Member State of the European Union, to special procedures: weapons and ammunition, endangered species of fauna and flora, medical products, wines and other regulated products.

If you are in possession of cash, securities, or negotiable instruments in an amount equal to or greater than €10,000 (or its equivalent in foreign currency), you must declare it to Customs when crossing the French border, regardless of your destination or return country.

We should like to draw your attention to the fraudulent importation into France of any counterfeit product or brand, designed for commercial or personal use, and the consequences of so doing (confiscation of the goods, financial penalties, legal proceedings).

To find out more about these formalities:

  • Further information on the French Customs website
  • Toulon Customs Supervision Squad: +33 (0)6 64 56 92 13
  • National Customs: +33 (0)811 20 44 44 (cost of a non-surcharged call to Metropolitan France)
  • From outside Metropolitan France or from abroad, please dial +33 (0)1 72 40 78 50 (cost may vary depending on your operator)